Wednesday 27 January 2016

Nigeria lawmakers slams the 2016 Budget

The Nigerian budget has raised lots of controversy since its presentation to the Senate President by The President. It was first lost and then it got every Nigeria talking. When found, some argued that the budget was the same as the past administration budget while others argued that it was altered.

Now for the third day running , federal. Lawmakers in the senate and House of Representatives continued the debate on the 2016 budget.

Some Senators Slam the Budget for not adequately taking into account, development projects in the Ministry of Women Affairs meant to minimize the suffering of women in the country. Others slammed the budget of not also making more provisions for the ministry of Agriculture in order to diverse the economy through export of agricultural product.

The total budgetary allocation for 2016 is 6.8 trillion Naira, an increase of one trillion Naira from the revised allocation of 5.9 trillion Naira for 2015.

Source: Channels

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