Tuesday 26 January 2016

People born with albinism been hunted for their limbs in Tansania

It's really sad to hear that this actually happened. In Tansania located in East Africa, children born of albinism are been hunted, killed and their limbs collected for rituals. Mean while, scientist has identified albinism as a rare congenital condition that leads to lack of pigments in the eye, skin and hair. They are referred to albino children and have a high tendency of having eye blindness and skin cancer.
First learned of this sad situation in 2010, after his family moved to Tanzania for his wife's post-doctoral research. A newspaper ran a story about a farmer who was attacked by a mob of people who cut off both of his arms and ran away as he bled. "The farmer's body parts were meant to be sold for witchcraft with this belief that albino body parts and limbs would bring luck," Gries said. 
It's really sad how this innocent people would be discriminated, maltreated and killed just because of their skin colour they had no control over.
Met Kabula a survivor of such attacks with her hands already chopped off. These attacked has rendered people found with albinism refugee in their own community. This is really sad. Hope their president will intervene

Source: Yahoo(Ratifa Mussa)

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