Friday 29 January 2016

Women have a right to live: stop domestic violence in Nigeria

It's so sad in Nigeria that there is no law to protect women and fight for their right to live. All in the of marriage so many women go through bondage and death and nobody cares. When you try to report to the Nigerian police, they would tell you it's family matter and that the woman should obey. Some would say; maybe she didn't do this right, the woman is always to be blamed. Now what if she gets
the husband angry with her verbal power, does she deserve this great dehumanization? Does she not have the right to live? Has marriage sudden become any form of bondage,where the women are the slave and their husband the slave master?

Just about today by 6:30pm, I got a call from someone very close to me that she was abused by her husband. They got into an argument and the husband actually plunged an electric iron. He waited and while it was red hot he used it on her face. Leaving her with burns all over and blood flowing out on her face. Without feeling any remorse, he goes around telling people that he wanted to iron his clothes and that his wife has no respect for him. Meanwhile, he left home for three days without seeing his children nor dropping any form of house keep money. When the wife tried to call to inquire his whereabouts he wouldn't pick up. Then today he finally returns and used a red hot iron on his wife.

This is hell, women are dying by their number and nobody is doing or speaking up for them. I just want to know that women have the same right to live as men. Nobody deserves to die! We are equal before God, we are supposed to coexist and not batted with hot iron. We are weak physically but that does not mean we are insignificant. Please people share this until Nigerian law includes the right to live for all women.

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