Friday 12 June 2015

Agony of a wife

From an EOB reader......This is the story of my life.
My money, my cars, my friends, all gone when I taught I had it all. Do not let experience be your best teacher but learn from people's mistake. In 2008, I got married to the man of my dreams, we were very comfortable. I had it all friends, great apartment, good cars and good things that money can buy. All of a sudden, my father in-law died, everything changed. I lost all I had. My husband lost his job, I lost my car, my friends disappeared, my land. Everything was lost, to the extend that we could not even afford to pay our children fee. We couldn't afford to eat  three square meal nor to pay our house rent. It was like am dreaming but then reality has dawn on me. Life is full of mystery. You can be Rich today and poor tomorrow..... Life is full of uncertainty. I have learned from this and I believe God for a greater height, I know that its not the end for me. I will one day rise again.

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