Friday 19 June 2015

What are the things you regretted doing today?

Let’s face it: we all make mistakes in life that we wish we could undo. Sometimes these mistakes are small and the regret fades away over time, but sometimes they are huge and we will spend years wishing you could turn back the clock and have a second chance to make it right.

Unfortunately, time doesn’t work in reverse, so we have to learn how to move on and make the best out of the life we helped to shape.

 A lot of us show our true strength by learning how to grow and change into better people after incidences like these.

Regret can work as a hindrance to true healing, but it can also act as a motivational tool that keeps you from making the same mistakes twice in one lifetime.

What do you regrets doing or not doing today?

Today, I regretted coming late to work. The best comment gets to be shared with my amazing viewers...........

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