Monday 22 June 2015

How much sex should you be having?

How much sex do you think is enough? Do  you take a roll in the hay every night, once or twice a week, monthly or at no particular time? For the good of your own relationship, how much sex should you be having?

Many couples do find infrequent sex to be an issue. While some are fine with the occasional 5-minutes romp under the sheets, others wish they were getting a whole lot more.

The more sex people have, the happier they tend to be, even when factors like income, marital status, health and age are taken into account.

There are women who worry that their men demand too much sex and secretly wish they’d slow down. But a lot more men complain that it is their women that are not giving it up as often as they (men) desire.

So how much sex is normal? Every relationship is different, and the amount of sex you need is the amount that makes both partners happy. While there may be no one right answer to the question of how often couples should have sex, they should to try to do it at least once a week.  What is your own opinion?

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